November 18, 2021
2021 Annual General Meeting
Hello Oakridge Tennis Club Members,
Please find the minutes of our AGM held on Oct. 28, 2021 here. The position of Treasurer is vacant. If anyone wishes to volunteer for this position, please contact us.
Treasurer - The Treasurer shall have the custody of the funds of the Club and keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in books belonging to the Club. He/she shall deposit all monies and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the Club. He/she shall disburse the funds of the Club as may be ordered by the Executive, taking proper vouchers for such disbursements, and shall render to the President and the Executive, whenever they may require, an account of all his/her transactions as Treasurer and of the financial position of the Club, using proper accounting methods.
Thank you.
Oakridge Tennis Club Executive Committee
November 5, 2021
Request for volunteers for windscreen removal - Nov. 7, 2:00pm
Hello everyone,
We are requesting for volunteers to help take down windscreens on Sunday Nov. 7 at 2:00 pm.
Please come to the courts if you are available. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Our president will treat all to an afternoon pizza.
Let us know if you are able to come by replying to our email info@oakridgetennis.ca.
Thanks very much,
2021 Oakridge Tennis Club Executive Committee
October 4, 2021
Oakridge Tennis Club - Annual General Meeting - Oct. 28
Date: Thursday, Oct. 28, 2021
Time: 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Zoom Meeting: Conference link and passcode to be provided at a later date
Agenda: Annual report (Membership, Programs, Finance), Election of Executive Committee
We invite our members to volunteer and become involved in the running of the club.
The following are the positions to be filled:
President, Vice-President,
Membership Director,
Maintenance Director,
WebDesign Director,
Social Director
Nominations for Executive positions must be made either:
a) in writing to the Secretary at least 24 hours prior to the AGM, indicating the name of the nominee, proposer and seconder, together with the written consent of the nominee; or
b) on the floor of the AGM, provided that the nominee, the proposer and seconder are all present at the AGM.
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!
Oakridge Tennis Club Executive Committee
May 31, 2021
Online Membership Registration
Thank you to all new and returning members. We reached 200 members and will be closing registration. As we are a two court tennis club, we want to make sure our members have equal court time.
Play safe!
OTC Executive Team
May 21, 2021
Tennis courts re-opening Saturday, May 22
To our OTC members.
Great news shared yesterday from our Province. We can re-open tennis courts as of Saturday, May 22.
The committee and volunteers will get the nets backup for Saturday morning.
Our Web Director is updating www.oakridgetennis.ca to re-open our online registration, as well online court bookings to Court 1.
If you still have not picked up your key, email Nadia at memberships@oakridgetennis.ca.
Please remember to follow all Covid-19 guidelines & protocols to ensure safe play for all members.
We always welcome feedback. Send your questions and inquiries to info@oakridgetennis.ca.
Play safe!
The OTC Committee
April 16, 2021
Tennis court closure due to COVID-19
To our OTC members.
The committee has a few very important updates:
As of April 17, 2021, the tennis courts are closed due to government mandated Stay-at-Home Order. We will keep our members informed as we get guidance from the City, Region and/or Province.
We will be cancelling all online bookings for court 1. Online booking for tonight can continue. Courts will close at 11pm.
We will be suspending our membership registration site until we can re-open the courts.
We have received a few inquiries about refunds due to the closure. Unfortunately, we can not issue a refund for the 2021 membership. The cost to change locks and keys will increase costs and provide inconvenience for all members.
We hope this closure is quick, and can continue to keep the courts open until end of October (or longer if the City allows it). If this closure is long, we will review options this at the next committee meeting. We discussed providing a discount to the 2022 tennis season for all members. We will keep you posted.
Our 2021 tennis season is off to an amazing start! Since opening registration on March 30, we welcomed 117 new and returning members PLUS 64 junior members. As we are a 2-court club, we will be capping our membership to 125 adults and seniors. We want to ensure that all members have equal opportunity to book court time. Once we are open, we will re-open registration. In the meantime, we will purchase a new windscreen and new sign up board for Court 2.
We always welcome feedback. Send your questions and inquires to info@oakridgetennis.ca.
Stay safe during these difficult times.
The OTC Committee
March 30, 2021
Tennis Season 2021
Hello Oakridge Tennis Club Members,
Registration for 2021 Tennis Season now open.
Courts open Thursday, April 1st.
Click here to read our 2021 Newsletter for more details.
Please register and pay the membership fee online.
See you on the courts!
Thank you, Stay safe and healthy.
Oakridge Tennis Club Executive Committee